“Well! Amidst all these comforts, I had but one wish, but one dream, to slip out by the half-open window, and run away on to the tiles. Caresses appeared to me insipid, the softness of my bed disgusted me, I was so fat that I felt sick, and from morn till eve I experienced the weariness of being happy.”
The Paradise of Cats by Emile Zola written in 1864
That’s a quote from The Paradise of Cats, written by Emile Zola (born April 2nd, 1840 in Paris — died September 28th, 1902, Paris).
The Paradise of Cats written in 1864 by Emile Zola is the story of a fat, comfortable cat who longs to leave his luxurious life and run wild on Paris rooftops. Told in the cat’s own words, the cat soon discovers that life in the street is not as free and beautiful as he expected.
Zola was a French novelist, critic, and political activist who was considered one of the most prominent French novelist of the late 19th century.
Zola was recognized as one of the greatest novelist in Europe and as a man of action—a defender of truth and justice, a champion of the poor and persecuted. Crowds of mourners, both poor and prominent lined the streets to salute his passing casket. Today, his remains are in the Panthéon, placed alongside those of Voltaire, Rousseau, Victor Hugo, and other French authors whose works changed the course of French history.
I found this story in an anthology titled, Puss in Boots. Edited by Elizabeth Drew and Michael Joseph. Copyright 1932 by Dodd, Mead & Company, New York. Many of my books are purchased from AbeBooks. If you have an interest in beautiful writing of old stories, I highly recommend this book.
The “Meows” for this episode are by Kitten Pidds. You may follow him, and all the podcast kitties on Instagram, and our icon cat, Harold-of-God. The cats are recorded using a Shure MV88 Digital Condenser Mic.

I hope you enjoy The Literary Catcast. I would love to hear from you. I never plan to have sponsors—this is a work of love.
I have no set schedule to release episodes, because as I mentioned the reading is very time intensive, so please subscribe to stay tuned, and tap the 5-stars if you listen on Apple Podcasts.
Cheers to good writing, hot tea, and cats!

Love listening to this story while painting a fence
Hi Matthew,
This is one of my favorite episodes. It’s so visual to read. Funny thing here, we were also painting a fence this weekend…Tuscany Green!
With friendship,
Greetings from Athens, Greece. I just found your catcast after a friend sent me the cover of a new edition of Zola’s Paradise. I thoroughly enjoyed listening your telling the story of the fat cat.
Hi Natalia,
I am so happy my recordings are being listened to in Greece. Zola’s work is beautiful. It was a joy to record his words.
With friendship,